McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons
Hello there!! are you just a tourist in super city?? want to be a citizen for 7 days!?!? Wanna check all the content? Videos, games, the boy's rooms, every single thing that's in Super City?? You can't afford being a citizen? Don't worry, because McFlyCartoons is giving away a subscription for 7 days!! You could be a citizen for 7 days and enjoy Super City for that time! What do you have to do? You just have to be a follower of McFlyCartoons (if you're not, start following!) and then send your drawings, cartoons, or whatever you do about McFly to me! Must be something related to Super City or to the New Album 'Above The Noise' So start drawing something cool, or send old drawings you have about it to [email protected] Please write on the Subject 'SuperCity-Pass Competition' and include you nickname on twitter so we can contact you!! It's very important you follow us, because we will explain to you how to get into SuperCity for free for 7 days as a citizen via Private Message!! You have time until this Sunday at 3 p.m.........3....2.....1..... GO!!
Monday, January the 3rd, 2011

Happy New Year everyone!! this is my first post of 2011! I'm so happy I've been doing mcflycartoons and having your support for more than 600 days already!! Long time!! Now, I just thought, everyone should be part of McFlyCartoons, an active part of it!! and how an I do it? maybe it's not easy thing but....I'm creating secondary web pages for every country!! By now, I've got


fans from Spain are running the Spanish one, fans from Italy the Italian one and so idea is to create one for every country! that's why I'm looking for fans who wants to take care of this web pages!! This three ones also created a twitter account, and they will post events, drawings, letters and things exclusively by Spanish fans, Italian fans or Mexican ones...etc so that way, you can know what other fans in your country are doing! also videos of tv shows of your country where mcfly has been, pictures, news, whatever you want, it's your job to update this web page and twitter!! the idea is you follow ONLY the ones of your country so you can help them by RT etc....and, me, McFlyCartoons (the main/central one) I will put flags in this web page that will lead to every seconday web page and I will also follow in twitter and I will RT the most important things to the world! that way all mcfans can know what other mcfans do in their countries! I think this could be a really interesting, amusing, funny and intercultural thing! and we all be in contact someway, and we all will be united for one cause....that cause has 5 letters....MCFLY!
Of course, one web page and one twitter page can't be maintain for one only, if you want/are interested, you can contact me and you still can join the Italian, Spanish and Mexican crew!!
Of course, more countries are welcome!! India, England, France, Germany, Chile, Argentina, USA....whatever! Let's show the world what your country do for McFly and let's stay in touch with the fan events all around the world!!
If you want, just leave here a comment with your nickname on twitter and your country and I'll tweet to you :)

Roll-roll-roll-roll-roll Up! Roll up to McFlyCartoons Around The World!!
Friday, the 26th of November, 2010

Well, well, well, our little one will be a year older soon (30th of November) and I would like to do something special for him! Of course, I want you all to collaborate, because we all love this guy!

I need you to take a picture of yourself holding pictures of Dougie! If possible, pictures from when he was a kid or a baby! and some from his first days in McFly!!! PLEASE, this could be a really COOL part of the video, so I need as many of you making this as possible!!
Also, pictures of Yourself, holding sheet with a big letter on it! The letters I need are: D, O, U, G, I, E, P, O, Y, N, T, E, R....Yes! you guessed it! they're to form Dougie's name!! And also numbers!! from 1 to 23 (because he's becoming 23!!) so, please, Please, do this and I promise I'll do everything in my hand to try and make Dougie watch the video!!

Appart from this, you can also send any drawing, picture or short vid, also letters, a short message for him, what would you like to tell him on his birthday?? Let me know and I'll include it on my project, and all together can do this big gift for him, that I'm sure he would like!! Let's do it!!
Hello everyone! I had a new idea recently! a magazine about McFly! made by mcflyers for other mcflyers! wouldn't it be awesome!? IT WILL BE! because we're starting it already!! Just asked some help and by now, we're 6 persons in McGazine, 3 Spanish girls, a 3 international ones!! lot of news, pictures, comics and fun on the McGazine which will be up on an exclusive site on internet (we still gotta create it! but you'll know the link through McFlyCartoons!) By now, we've got our own Twitter account which is

everyone start following so you know what's going on inside mcgazine!! some previes and sneak peaks of what you'll find on mcgazine!! of course, it's a mcgazine where you all can take part, so keep your eyes open to see when your turn is coming!!! wooo hoooo

Sunday, August the 22nd, 2010

Hello everyone!  Well this new entry is to mention the #mcflygame we did the other night. I was bored so I decided to start something! It went pretty good, and I'm glad lots of you started sending me lots of suggestions!! The thing is, I really liked some of them, so I'm gonna make a list in here so everyone can read them!! Anyway, if you didn't participe,you can now! Just leave a comment in this blog with your title idea!

#mcflygame change a letter of a song of @mcflymusic and give it a different meaning! example: Just My Duck!!! Start them coming!!

#mcflygame Potion in the Ocean (@mcflymusic) Anyone found a good one? let me know!!

mcflariel    @mcflycartoons Stalk in the Sun and Room on the Turd Floor! @mcflariel :P ha

@mcflariel well, that's more than 1 letter but they're welcomed!!

haha loved it! RT @kulaspirata: @mcflycartoons how about MartyGirl? XD

Dreaaaxx    @mcflycartoons sorry's not food enough :P lol

marvinfan    @mcflycartoons #mcflygame the last tong

Dies, Ties, Pies...haha I like them all! RT @kulaspirata: @mcflycartoons Dies? Haha XD

HAHAHAHA REALLY GOOD ONE! RT @Dreaaaxx: @mcflycartoons wat about farty girl haha

LinoyPoynter    @mcflycartoons The Sallad of paul K!

kulaspirata    @mcflycartoons going through the lotions. XD

#mcflygame she calls asleep LOL

#mcflygame Boom on the third floor!

solongmysweet    @mcflycartoons Don't Make-Me-Up xD

kulaspirata    @mcflycartoons bubblewarp. XD

Maandy_Poynter    @mcflycartoons bubbleRap

Beelolfacee    @mcflycartoons Down goes another tone (?) lol

_gfranco    @mcflycartoons The Heart Never Dies, Friday Fight, Down Does Another One .. ?

Tomfletcherilvu    @mcflycartoons pity girl the fast song

the fast song is a good one also #mcflygame

marvinfan    @mcflycartoons memory wane

stacel0vesRPM    @mcflycartoons Room On The 4th Floor. See what i did? i thought of that one myself :)

Florrciita    @mcflycartoons Town by the lake! (??

You changed more than 1 letter...but anyway! haha RT @iamafreakbaby: @mcflycartoons falling in rocks #mcflygame

stacel0vesRPM    @mcflycartoons oooo i have another one, its ADDING a letter but i think its ace... Not aClone ;)

Good one! RT @wip_katie: @mcflycartoons i wanna mold you

kathryn_mcfly    @mcflycartoons The winner bakes it all? 5 colours in her bear? #mcflygame

stacel0vesRPM    @mcflycartoons The Last Pong.... :L

TheMcFlyArmy    @mcflycartoons Fight for your sight :') #mcflygame

mariabayas    @mcflycartoons i wanna fold you =D

TheMcFlyArmy    @mcflycartoons Going through the lotions :') #mcflygame

TheMcFlyArmy    @mcflycartoons Tarty Girl #mcflygame

#mcflygame Just My Lick :P

ThePoynterPosse    @mcflycartoons Home is where the Fart is - Damn I'm now hooked on this game - damn you! xD x

lemerten_    @mcflycartoons just my lunch #mcflygames

kathryn_mcfly    @mcflycartoons ultraviolent, the bend, doom onthe third floor :) #mcflygame

#mcflygame zoom on the third floor LOL

TheMcFlyArmy    @mcflycartoons Silence is a scary Bound.

Good job everyone! I had a really good time!

Thursday, August the 19th, 2010

Hi there! I hope you all are enjoying this web page. I just wanted to let you know, I'm having my holidays at the moment, what means I'm working to earn so money to pay the University on September. That's why I'm not online much, and I don't tweet much. That's why there's no new cartoons. Plus, I'm gonna let the Competition to last until September because I've got no time at the moment to choose the winners and send the T-shirts. I just wanted you to know this is a little break on McFly Cartoons, and lot of new stuff would be coming soon on September!! The come back will be amazing, I promise!! I'm working on a lot of new things I'm sure you'll like! I hope you understand and wait patiently (I hope you keep on waiting and you don't turn your backs to me! haha)

Lots of love, Doubtgirl xxx
Sunday, May the 16th, 2010

Hello there!! How are you all doing? I hope you're doing good! I just wanted you all to know, you can find McFlyCartoons on Tuenti and on Facebook now. And, I will mention here too something about the new stuff of McFly. As you may know there's already like 6 songs from the new CD on internet, and also the photos from the photoshot they were doing for the new album, and it's obviously STOLEN material since they all were protecting the new stuff so much. Tom is always keeping it as secret projects and he never wants to say a thing about it, so it's obviously STOLEN material. Whoever who hacked them, are not true fans because you just don't steal to someone you love, do you? Anyway, I just won't listen to the new songs althought I so want to do it, but they all wanted the new album to be a big surprise to us all, and they've been working so hard....I don't want to ruin that, it'll still be a surprise to me. That's why we all were tweeting #stopleakingmcfly (which got to the Trending Topics, Debbie, Giovanna, Mike Bladen....they all Retweeted it) I so hope people stop hacking them, because we don't want stolen material from McFly, we want  their new material when they tell us it's ok to listen or see the new stuff. Don't you ever listened that quote that says "Don't look the Artwork until it's finished"???
Friday, April the 9th, 2010

Hello everyone! What an eventful night was last night! It deserves a chapter on McFlyCartoons' Diary for sure! First of all, I want to thank you all for following me on twitter and for retweeting my tweets, it helped me make Tom and Dougie finally see my cartoons! I feel so lucky. I didn't even expect that to happen since I was about to climb into bed. I just thought: I'm gonna try one last time before I go to sleep....and look what happened! I'm happy I tried one last time! ha!

Tom retweeted as Dougie did, and they both replied to me, althought I didn't notice until all the people started tweeting about it LOL the same happened when Dougie started following McFlyCartoons, that's the coolest thing ever, I'll be grateful to you all forever. I just hope Dougie doesn't get tired of my tweets and unfollow me LOL.

By the way, when I started McFlyCartoons I said I will follow back each and everyone of you, and that won't change now. I still want to reclute a whole army of McFly fans from all around the world. And I also will keep on retweeting your drawings and everything as I've been doing until now. I just want you all to know that's all I'm gonna do. Some of you are asking me to tell them things, or to tell them to follow someone, etc, I just can't do that since I don't really talk to them and I just got my first reply from Dougie! I don't want to spam them, I've never spammed them and never will. You don't need to Spam them to get a reply, just tweet something original, and if it's original enough, I bet all mcfly fans would retweet it and they'll see it, and probably you'll get a reply. It's all about luck. I hope you all can understand that.

And to finish this chapter...just wanted to say you all if you want to talk to me, you should tweet at my personal account ( because the McFlyCartoons one is only for drawings and stuff. Once again, thank you all very much.

Doubtgirl xxx

Wednesday, April the 7th, 2010

Hello there!! McFly Cartoons is going so well, thank you all very much for following! I really hope I can make other fans a little bit happier with my RTs and help them know other McFly fans around the world and maybe help them get a reply from the boys or whatever. McFly means Unity, we're all together, and I'm so glad to spread the love in my twitter account. Now I want you all to read this, which could be interesting to you...

There's a mcfly fan which have been tweeting about creating a Scrap Book for McFly. I thought maybe you would like to share your stuff and include it on the Scrap book. It'd be a great opportunity to show them that something you've been trying to make them see for months, but they haven't seen yet. The fact the Scrap book is created doesn't mean they're gonna see it for sure, but it's better trying than waiting in silence.... If you wanna join this, you should read this:

I still don't know how the Scrap Book will arrive to McFly's hands since I'm not the one running this iniciative, but you can contact the fan who did to ask your doubts.

Wednesday, 24th March 2010

Hello! First of all, if you're in here reading this...THANK YOU! I really appreciate people who take 2 minutes of their lifes to see my cartoons about McFly. And I'm really happy to know after those 2 minutes you've been laughing for FIVE!! That's the point of this all! To have fun, to laugh a bit more and to be happy. Don't let your problems to bother you, just try to see the positive side of everything and walk ahead! If lifes gives you lemons....JUST DO LEMONADE! that's what we say here in Spain. Well, I hope you all enjoy every little thing in here. If you want to share something with us, just post it on the official forum You don't even need to register to post, it's easy and safe. It would be uploaded on and maybe Tom, Dougie, Danny or Harry could take a look! That's another thing I would feel really happy about, to help someone to get a reply just by uploading a drawing he/she had made, or by retweeting something....I think it's even better than to recieve a reply because I'm not making come true only my dreams but someone else's too, and that really makes me feel complete. Hope to help you all! You can also help by retweeting something that have been tweeted on that way you'll help someone to make her/his dream come true! Don't be selfish and try to get all the attention! Let's help us out! Probably one tweet or one retweet won't do much....but believe me when I say the bonding makes you powerful! Let's do it!!!

McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons