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Sunday, May the 16th, 2010

Hello there!! How are you all doing? I hope you're doing good! I just wanted you all to know, you can find McFlyCartoons on Tuenti and on Facebook now. And, I will mention here too something about the new stuff of McFly. As you may know there's already like 6 songs from the new CD on internet, and also the photos from the photoshot they were doing for the new album, and it's obviously STOLEN material since they all were protecting the new stuff so much. Tom is always keeping it as secret projects and he never wants to say a thing about it, so it's obviously STOLEN material. Whoever who hacked them, are not true fans because you just don't steal to someone you love, do you? Anyway, I just won't listen to the new songs althought I so want to do it, but they all wanted the new album to be a big surprise to us all, and they've been working so hard....I don't want to ruin that, it'll still be a surprise to me. That's why we all were tweeting #stopleakingmcfly (which got to the Trending Topics, Debbie, Giovanna, Mike Bladen....they all Retweeted it) I so hope people stop hacking them, because we don't want stolen material from McFly, we want  their new material when they tell us it's ok to listen or see the new stuff. Don't you ever listened that quote that says "Don't look the Artwork until it's finished"???

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